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This Pound Sterling and Indian Rupee convertor is up to date with exchange rates from March 8, 2025.
Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of Pound Sterling. Use "Swap currencies" to make Indian Rupee the default currency. Click on Indian Rupees or Pounds Sterling to convert between that currency and all other currencies.
Pound Sterling is the currency in Channel Islands (Aldernay, Guernsey, Jersey, Sark), Isle of Man, and United Kingdom (England, Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, UK, GB, GBR). The Indian Rupee is the currency in India (IN, IND). Pound Sterling is also known as the British Pound, the United Kingdom Pound, UKP, STG, the English Pound, British Pound Sterling, BPS, and Sterlings. The symbol for INR can be written Rs, and IRs. Pound Sterling is divided into 100 pence. The Indian Rupee is divided into 100 paise. The exchange rate for Pound Sterling was last updated on March 6, 2025 from The International Monetary Fund. The exchange rate for the Indian Rupee was last updated on March 6, 2025 from The International Monetary Fund. The GBP conversion factor has 6 significant digits. The INR conversion factor has 6 significant digits. Large amounts of Rupees are expressed in lakh rupees or crore rupees. A Lakh Rupee is one hundred thousand rupees and a crore rupee is ten million rupees.
Currency Conversion Comments
An excellent and very useful site. Covers most of the international currencies. Bravo!
As the site is updated daily the currency conversion is perfect. Its really excellent service. Keep it up.
it won't convert large amounts of rupees
The calculator did not like the comma. I updated the calculator to ignore commas. 250,000 will now work as you expect.
Its superb...Updated conversion rates and all at one go. Excellent.
What a pleasure it is .. to stumble upon such a complete and versatile website. Simply OUTSTANDING work folks !!
Very Useful Conversion ...........Good
Its simply superb! Just one thing I wanted to know is it based on a dynamic exchange rate or based on previous day close?
site is really very useful as it covers most of the currencies. i have no idea about all the currencies may be this covers all of the available currencies.
Its a wonderful site. Great job guys!
This is a great currency converter website.I have added to My favorites !!
A very user friendly technique to convert curreny.....great job!!
Very very nice website for currency conversion.
Good you are doing briliant job.
I did get enough information though, I would like to know where can i get the Sterling Pound converted at the rate that appears in your calculator? please respond to my persoanl email id. Thank you.
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the site is extremely useful and easy to understand and convert currency.
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prem balaji
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Its so fast and accurate.
Thanks for the creator
wesley, N.E.S.
this is the one i was looking for. immense satisfaction now its easy for me to calculate whole world...........
nice work man but please keep updating the changes
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Indeed an excellent site, hats off.
Simple and userfriendly for a person like me
this is the site i wUZ looking in 4. 2 calculate my money esp. when i buy my recordz from the uk.
Itzz Lovely.Gr8 site...thankz 2 COINMILL.
its amezaing,
its fun and freind.
thanks for good site
the information on the web is really useful and not only quantitive but also qualitative as well
Just simply time saving, and a very useful resource.
thanks to all team members, your hardwork pays off. :)
alright i just wanted to know about the reliability of the currency reates in the market are you guys updating the rates daily if so at what time (GMT)
great work guys...Its really electrifying.
this is fantastic its so fast converting,great work guys thanks to the creator for such a wonderful page. alright but i do have a queistion wat is an inter bank rate ? and why does it differ from the exact rate when buying
Hi, the currency conversation information is very useful. Hats off for the accurate information
Yes really, i have been surprised to see this
info. about currency.
Really i thanks to site developers.
hey this is a very helpful and simple site to use. thanks
It is indeed useful. I check the rate every day. Its useful when you want to transfer money
excellent site.
Thanks for the creator
Where can I convert the money in India(Kolkata) or UK (Nottingham) for the exact amount shown?
First of all it is PAR Excellence!!!
I could save a lot of money coming as remittance from abroad, The pound was 78/79 with wait and watch i could cash the amount at 85/86.
Good, donot stop here do someting more.
very good & simple and also time saving
I have my own business in the UK of importing goods from India. This site tells me when I am getting a great deal for my pound. THANK Q THANK Q THANK Q.
Madhu Hallan.
This is really great ... good work folks .. keep it up
Good site. I find it more difficult to convert crores and lakhs to millions/billions while doing the currency conversion. A calculator that accepts these would be nice
Thanks to the developers for getting the result in just a clik
its simply brilliant
It's really very useful site.one the few sites which i found me be meaningful.
Its really amazing.its very fast and usefull
Am pleased with this site..its great, and helpful without any kind of nonsense
This is cool.. try it.
It is really useful and accurate site ever i have seen..! it is in my fav. list.Thanx very much indeed for the great work.
Very fast...
It is very helpful........
But give an option to download the software for " currency coversion"
Thank you CoinMill! This is so convenient!
Hi I find Coinmill as the best when it comes to converting GBP to Indian Rupee. Keep up the good work. The rates are the latest.
How much is 1 crorer Indian rupees in Pound Sterling ?
It is very fast. It always gives latest and accurate rates. This is really reliable for NRI's staying in UK.
This is of great help.
very useful. keep it up
I did get enough information though, I would like to know where can i get the Sterling Pound converted at the rate that appears in your calculator? please respond to my persoanl email id. Thank you.
like it
It is very useful. its grand
I always use coinmill for my conversions. It is the IDEAL site
it is simply great
excellent work.
It's waste to see this site as there is no currecy conversion chart for the recent changes....
Very useful indeed.
This site is really helpful to get the conversions among all the currencies with latest update.
I was very anxious about the conversion of the sterling to rupees. I searched the site and got the answer very quick. thank u very much
it's nice n smooth 2 use
it is very use full it is like oasiss in desert
I found the site very usefull and informative. Well done. Keep up the good work
this site is great i am proud of it"!
so quick
It is like eyes for a blind
I just happened to stumble on to your site and I see that you offer a reasonable rate at present, despite the fact that Western Union are offering a disgraceful value for the pound, unfortunately at present I need to exchange pounds to rupees in Britain, and I wish you could have done that for me and many others like me.
Excellent website, simple to use and highly useful!
It is very useful..So Quick
Very very useful link
This is so awesome. One entry and we can get results / comparisons for many. Many Thanks for those who created this program. Great Job!
A very useful site indeed
An excellent and very useful site.
I searched the site and got the answer very quick. thank u very much
Roughly, how long would Rs-1000 last in india??
What would it cover??
Will it cover basic needs like food and shopping?? Or could you have a comfortable week??
Could someone please help???
I was just wondering how many rupees in a pound...and I got the answer I was looking for very quickly...great site..
ya its really good, accurate n 2 fast
I wish to congratulate your best work in helping us to find the currency rates exactly. Keep going
its very good and easy to work out with it
very very fantastic site its really helpful to all. its very easy to conversions
tis site is too good....
I found this site very useful as well as its too fast
This was the 1st time I used this site and I got it from Google as I was booking a flight from Delhi to Hongkong and the currency was mentioned in GBP and I got an exact price...its simply suberb.
A big Thanx to Google & Coinmill.com..
Keep up the Good Work.